(轉載) 大陸美女CEO王瀟,剛剛寫了一篇三十感言
無論是打工還是創業,其本質無外乎向老闆或客戶出賣自己的有形或無形產品。一言以蔽之:大家都是出來賣的。既然是出來賣的,一要賣相好,二要敬業,三不要嫌買貨人。所以,第一要保持美麗,第二要多做事少抱怨,第三看在錢的份上要適當妥協。付出不一定有回報,努力不一定有收穫。學習知識和鍛煉身體除外。我們是動物進化來的,即使高級也還是動物,達爾文主義一直適用。只有把自己訓練成更敏捷、更強壯的動物,才能活得好點。所以懶散消極肯定不是長久之計,要是在動物世界,在金字塔底的你還這麼耗著,已經死了。 這個時代的規律就是沒有絕對公平競爭,接受這一點,然後武裝自己投身到轟轟烈烈的不公平競爭中去。順應規律而行,也是達爾文主義。先贏了再說。享受你戰利品的時候,你心裡可以繼續憤世嫉俗。不要濫用憐憫給競爭失敗的人,因為下一次也許會是你。爭取半天的願望沒有實現, 一要怪自己學藝不精, 二要怪自己運氣不好, 然後趕快行動起來爭取下一個願望。前面投入的時間精力,統統算做沉沒成本。勇於承擔沉沒成本是出來混的第一課。
談戀愛的條件,就是讓自己從精神到物質,從靈魂到肉體,因為有了對方都比從前的狀態更好。 否則何必呢?如果男人現在對你一般,不要指望他會在婚後對你更好, 他對你最好的時刻一定是追求期和熱戀期。如果這兩個時期你尚且對他不滿,那你要好好想想了。不妨讓他為你多花點時間和錢,通常人投入的越多,就越難割捨。就算你為已經他投入了很多時間和錢,該離開的時候也要利索點離開。勇於承擔戀愛的沉沒成本,是展開新生活的前提。如果你看中他的錢,在適當的時候要到這錢才是你的。 打鐵要趁熱,要錢要趁愛!你的直覺往往比事實還準確。兩個人最終過起日子來,"也就那麼回事"。 已經是非常好的結局,因為很多人發現婚後"完全不是那麼回事"。一個身體再性感,展開後翻來覆去看也就兩個平方米,互相失去興趣是正常的規律。只是晚點失去興趣的那個人會覺得受傷。成功的感情關係裡,愛情是一定會轉化成親情的。親情就是Happy ending。如果愛情沒了親情又沒形成,那該關係已經失敗。通常人們用生育來協助這一轉化的完成。
欲望不實現就痛苦,欲望實現了就無聊。只有剛剛實現後那短暫的時期是幸福。所以幸福必然是短暫的,痛苦和無聊才是生活的常態。這是我們的欲望決定的。別人的任何選擇和決定都有他自己的道理,儘量理解和不干涉。但如果傷害到你的心靈和財產,一定要干涉。面子是別人給的。 別人會把面子給那些那堅持表現出誠實、勇敢、勤奮和靠譜的人。不以以上這些元素作為給面子準則的人,你也不用在意他給不給你面子。不用等到什麼時機都成熟了再開始做一件事,在游泳中學會游泳,在開車中學會開車,摸著石頭是可以過河的。前提是輸得起。通常來說有兩種狀態:痛苦的哲學家和快樂的豬。痛苦的時候,儘量搞清痛苦的緣由,否則就成了痛苦的豬。
作為女性,你的外表和你的性格共同決定你的命運,這是殘酷的現實。無論哪朝哪代、東方或西方,端莊路線是永遠不會錯的。 裝也要裝的像。腰圍是黃金分割和女性體態婀娜的關鍵,是少女和大媽的分水嶺。 要拼死保持。學好化妝術,拾掇好再出門。你自己會開心,別人對你會多點耐心,百利而無一害。如果你單身,建議你保持時刻準備著的狀態,也就是說儘量隨時都看上去很美。 很難說哪朵雲彩下雨,也許轉角就遇到愛。當你對美好身材的渴望遠遠大於你對食物的渴望,你就可以成功減肥。減不下來那是因為你的渴望還不夠強烈。
(文章轉載) 快樂經濟學/感恩的力量
2009.10.14 04:38 am
我認為企業也要開始學習做「懂得感恩的企業」。最近許多企業高喊顧客親和(customer intimacy)的口號,要求的只是一些標準作業程序,如果企業員工沒有感恩的心,流程就成為沒有靈魂的軀殼。如果服務人員抱怨客戶,如何產生親暱感。員工應該開始學習對客戶感恩,因為沒有客戶,怎麼會有我的工作呢?
教練初體驗 2009-9-19
時間:2009/09/19 星期六 下午
這是我們 ICA 學習伙伴們第一次一起合作,與朝邦基金會的會員們分享什麼是教練。很謝謝 Keli, Jorie 讓我有機會參與其中,我的收穫絕對不亞於現場所有參與的伙伴們。
相關活動內容與精彩照片,都可以從以下的網站連結一窺究竟。謝謝 Elsa 精彩精美的報導。讓我重溫那些感動的時刻。
Community of practice – Executive (3)
We easily make assumption that business people understands the needs of time management or delegation. Sometimes, they have no idea of the importance. In that case, we need to do so education first.
Why Time Management is important? Why is me who needs time management? (We could change the way of communication - Let’s talk about time management. What does time management mean to you? How do you feel about time management? Then we move to the needs of time management.)
Let the team use the same language. Coach a person with educational piece.
No matter coaching, consulting, facilitating or mentoring: b specific clear of what are we doing – this is what I am doing or about to do now.
Oral Exam Questions for Supervised Coaching
Q: Di scribe the coaching process in your coaching session?
Q: What did you learn from the session?
Q: What would you do to improve the coaching session?
Community of practice – Executive (2)
Shared by Kathy
Here are some commonly used assessment tools and their definitions.
DiSC Management Strategies
Commonly used tool and associated training program for providing feedback and improving on people's self-management and team management in workplace settings.
[U]Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument/U] http://hbdi.com/WholeBrainProductsAndServices/thehbdi.cfm
The HBDI 120-item self-report diagnostic tool which provides thinking styles profiling based on left-right hemisphere preferences and cognitive vs. limbic thinking preferences. Can also be used for team profiling and analysis.
Human Synergistics (Human Synergistics International)http://www.humansynergistics.com/products/IDAoverview.aspx
A thinking style / personality profiling and feedback system, plus training program, which can be completed on an individual, team and organization level to assess strengths and areas for improvement/change in individual effectiveness.
Keirsey Temperament Sorter
Similar to the MBTI, identifies 16 personality sub-types, based on dichotomous ratings on 4 main personality factors which are derived from the psychological work of Carl Jung.
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
http://www.myersbriggs.org/my-mbti-personality-type/mbti-bas ics/
The MBTI is the most widely used personality assessment questionnaire, particularly in workplace training. The MBTI identifies people as being one of 16 overall types, based on dichotomous ratings on 4 main personality factors.
Team Management Systems (Margerison & McCann)
Profiles the kinds of kind of roles people prefer to play in groups and teams. Provides individual and team-levels of analysis. Used to help improve quality of team performance.
360-Degree Feedback
System for gathering feedback from others about personality and work styles which makes particular use of combining observer ratings and comparing with self-ratings.
Community of practice – Executive (1)
Shared by Kathy
Here are some commonly used assessment tools and their definitions.
Adversity Quotient (Paul Stolz, 2000)
Similar to resilience and hardiness, the Adversity Quotient has been proposed as an indicator of capacity to withstand and thrive on challenging circumstances specifically related to business and the workplace.
40 Developmental Assets (Search Institute)
The Developmental Asset framework identifies 20 external and 20 internal assets. Each asset helps promote healthy development of young people. External assets are essentially positive experiences provided by the world, including support networks, empowerment, appropriate boundaries and expectations, and positive and constructive use of time. Internal assets are characteristics and behaviors that reflect positive internal qualities, including values and identities, social competencies, and orientation to learning. Internal assets allow young people to make thoughtful choices and be better prepared for situations that challenge inner strength.
Personality tool based on 9 personality types. Developed with a more deeply historical and spiritual orientation than most other similar questionnaires by some leading humanistic psychologists, including Gurdjieff, Ichazo, and Naranjo. The types relate to the major roles that people seem to adopt and play in society. There is no definitive Enneagram questionnaire - various free and commercial versions are available.
Community of practice – Life (3)
How do people find you from marketing's’ perspective?
- Niche is a function of marketing. It’s not about confidence.
- Narrow it down for people to find me.
- Spend my time and energy to a target market. (A websites with different pages)
- Just do it!
What’s your advantage to the consumers?
- You have something in common
- I might look for somebody with that need
- We don’t have to know what they are doing. (I support people to see a bigger goal and take action to achieve it.)
They always know the how and what. We do not apply our knowledge but unearth the knowledge of them.
Broaden my circle and scope of coaching to see what would happen.
What are my confidence and what are my skills?
What makes a good coach?
A person who has common living experience could integrate and articulate those experience which shows up their giving.
What can I do or not do right now?
Make you more findable – with your name as the website’s name. ^^
Women want to be more powered. (Refer to Merci’s blog)
Rolling with Life’s punches
Life is
10% what happens to you
90% how you look at it
- Setbacks are temporary (Look with the inspirations)
- No one’s to blame (not why but get into how: do not ask why questions but how questions)
Recession Depression
- Stay in the moment
- Take some action
(1) Laugh with friends
(2) Walk for exercise
(3) Listen to music
(4) Sleep (7 hours, 4 times a week)
(5) Keep a journal
Community of practice – Life (2)
Is there any question about life coaching?
How to present coaching?
- Let audience experience coaching and explain it a little bit. Use the wheel of Life – Coaching tools (search from Mind tools.com) People want the experience to convince them and some take away. Toleration of a coach.
- Talk about strengths
- Coach.net: there are tools on it.
Exercise of “The Wheel of Life” (refer to “The Wheel of Life.doc”)
- Draw a circle with 8 dimensions
Define dimensions
- Roles in life
- Areas in life
- or a combination
Draw two circles (how much attention you want you pay on each dimension? From 1 to 10)
1. Expectation – ideal situation
2. Current situation
3. Find the gap between two circles
4. The gap could be discussed
5. Find the coaching moment in discussion for a further coaching relationship
Does your life look balanced? How do you notice on the wheel? What is the information you getting from your wheel? What is it showing you? How do you feel about it? Does it surprise you?
After several weeks, we could draw the wheel again and compare the difference.
When you look at the mind tool, they would lead to goal setting and action plan. How to get the balance of it? Where are you and where you wanna be?
For a group, we may also two people to share their life wheel and action plan.
The visual is a Wheel. Does your life wheel look and feel balanced. Look is one way and feel is another. A balance life does not mean you get 10 of each dimension. Some area would needs more attention.
Community of practice – Life (1)
Q: Difficult to create a niche to be a valuable player/coach in the market. What kind of niche would be better for the “life coach”?
- I am a life coach and specialize in..(helping people mange and change their life.)
- I help people set their goals and support them to get there.
- Think about a slogan, such as “We will take care of you”.
- I help them move forward and go through the transition.
- Move someone from “good to great.”
Q: Niche should be aligned with the elevator speech?
- Yes, it would be better. Elevator speech is a marketing tool. You can coach anytime anywhere.
- Elevator speech is really about giving someone a snap shoot what do you do.
Q: What if you also work people who go through with change? Retire person and want another career.
- Health, career/work, geographical
I want to you know me, my approaches and who I am. Present my experience and education I have gone through. Talking about something I have went through of setting goals and achieving them.
Coaching Business Building (2)
2009/7/24: 6-7 pm
(4) I am struggle in finding the equal balance between training and coaching
Q: Which energizer you more? Coaching or training?
Q: Whether he could like to mix both or one period of time for one business?
Q: How does the training support coaching? How does the coaching support training?
Q: What part do you enjoy most in coaching? What parts do you enjoy most in training?
Q: Can you imagine your balance your business balance and you have the balance, what do you feel like?
I could find these questions before. These questions allow me to review and answer the questions.
How do you build your business now?
(5) Create business by holding seminar
Q: What is your strategy to make the people come to the seminar?
- I have many children and I know many people. It works by mouth of words.
- I run the first seminar and it worked very well.
Q: Do you follow up with teleclass or face to face workshop?
- Online I did not do any thing. I just meet people
(6) Leave potential clients with several options. Phone coaching, e-mail coaching, face to face coaching and discussion board on coaching.
There is a book useful for me to start my business – “Multiple coaching income” (Andrea J. Lee)
To create a big picture of your business funnel
- Having a product funnel
- Find a lot of people first
- Find something interesting related to all people
What is the one thing you would like to commit of building business? to move forward? What was the most valuable thing to you in this class tonight?
Coaching Business Building (1)
Facilitator Linda Anderson
2009/7/24: 6-7 pm
Take a moment to stay quietly to think of what is your intention and what do you want to experience in today’s session?
Take a moment to consider what’s your energy attention right now to your business building?
(1) How to use research project related to business (building) related tool?
Q: What is the benefit of doing that to you?
Q: What challenges do you have to take that approach?
- You could post your research paper on the discussion board for feedback and comments
(2) I want to change my website to be more client-orientation and focused. I want to show client of what is unique of my coaching for them.
(Let’s play the game “Coaching Question Game” and invite all participants to ask Marry questions to support her with this topic)
Q: What is your purpose in coaching?
Q: If you were a client of yourself, what are you looking for from your website?
Q: If you are looking at the website, what it appeals to you or attracts you?
Q: What do you value yourself as a coach? What are your strengths?
Q: If you ask others what are your strengths, what would they describe you?
Marry what to search other’s website to see how do they do and find out the answers for her journey to build the website.
(3) What to put on the written commercial materials to attract clients to take the the action to have the trial session?
Q: What problem for your to offer the solution?
Q: What make it easy for someone to say yes?
Q: Who are your target markets? How familiar are you with them?
The second question is very interesting and make them feel comfortable and easy website bottom to say yes and reply to me.
Do I meet my intention I create today? Why and why not? What action I could take to meet my intention?