
Community of practice – Executive (2)

Facilitator: Kathy Munoz

Shared by Kathy
Here are some commonly used assessment tools and their definitions.

DiSC Management Strategies
Commonly used tool and associated training program for providing feedback and improving on people's self-management and team management in workplace settings.

[U]Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument/U] http://hbdi.com/WholeBrainProductsAndServices/thehbdi.cfm
The HBDI 120-item self-report diagnostic tool which provides thinking styles profiling based on left-right hemisphere preferences and cognitive vs. limbic thinking preferences. Can also be used for team profiling and analysis.

Human Synergistics (Human Synergistics International)http://www.humansynergistics.com/products/IDAoverview.aspx
A thinking style / personality profiling and feedback system, plus training program, which can be completed on an individual, team and organization level to assess strengths and areas for improvement/change in individual effectiveness.

Keirsey Temperament Sorter
Similar to the MBTI, identifies 16 personality sub-types, based on dichotomous ratings on 4 main personality factors which are derived from the psychological work of Carl Jung.

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
http://www.myersbriggs.org/my-mbti-personality-type/mbti-bas ics/
The MBTI is the most widely used personality assessment questionnaire, particularly in workplace training. The MBTI identifies people as being one of 16 overall types, based on dichotomous ratings on 4 main personality factors.

Team Management Systems (Margerison & McCann)
Profiles the kinds of kind of roles people prefer to play in groups and teams. Provides individual and team-levels of analysis. Used to help improve quality of team performance.

360-Degree Feedback
System for gathering feedback from others about personality and work styles which makes particular use of combining observer ratings and comparing with self-ratings.
