
PT106 Respect vs. Invalidation (2)

Facilitator: Prabha Chandrasekhar
2009/4/15 & 22

Overloading client: in the position for more than 1.5 years.
Q1: How do you challenge your client without invalidating? (Move from invalidating to respecting himself)
- Ask him that in his perception, where would he mark himself in 1 – 10 scale or respecting himself? Why does he mark there? And how would he do to move the respecting scale to him? (In the process, we could bring up the awareness of respecting himself.)

Q2: What if that actually is the boundary of the person invalidates himself?
- Someone wants to control and not delegate sometimes might be overloaded. (Ask the person why he is afraid of delegating? Talk to the person what is the definition of “control”?)

Q3: How would you approach this client? Partner this client? What would you do?
- Discover something underline before.
- What do you take that and what do you want to achieve? Maybe he is not setting boundaries but just accept what was given to him.

Q4: When you ask the following questions, how could you not invalidate him? (What did he observe from his friends doing to be promoted? How do they work and the quality? Encourage him to ask his peer colleagues for sharing. What are their skill sets?)
- What are the things making him not comfortable?
- Is it possible he does not trust others or oversee too much?

When we set the boundaries but our friends don’t like it how could we communicate and do not to invalidate him and us? (A friend wants you to be her sounding board but abusing the relationship)
- What is the one thing that you could like to do for you or share with your friend to make yourself feel good (being taking care of)?
When we talk about trust, we talk about taking care of ourselves. We need to trust ourselves.

What are the two things that you would like to do to take care of yourself (to respect yourself)?

PT106 Respect vs. Invalidation (1)

Facilitator: Prabha Chandrasekhar
2009/4/15 & 22

What does respect mean for you?
- Taking care of ourselves – self-care (emotional and physical), what is good for me
- What kind of process we allow
- Setting boundaries, learning to say no
- Treating myself and client with love and dignity

Respect comes from internal and externally.
How we draw boundaries?

如果有一個人的信用卡爆掉了, 我們如何看待這件事?
- He might not respect the environment.
How do we do in helping this client?
- Asking the client how he feels about the situation? Would you like to change that?

Find the reason why they are saying “yes” to everyone? How come they do not say “no”?
- Afraid of that person not talking to him any more.

Why is so important to have boundaries?
When someone acknowledges you, what do you do?
- Thank them for acknowledging me.

What I do to invalidate myself?
- Messy car and messy room, over-used credit card…
- Use critical term to judge themselves
- Not standing up for my work situation (I talked to my supervisor and let her know that I care about the supervising meeting with her)
- I don’t feel good to share something I know when I think others know it. (It’s my idea that I would like to share and I feel good.)
- When someone acknowledge me, I did not accept it and say thank you and say “do you think so?” or “really?” instead.

If we invalidate ourselves, we would feel no energy. If we do something to change that situation, we could feel better.


ICA Gathering (8/22, Taipei)

時間:8月22日(六). 1500-1730.
地點:蛙咖啡. 台北市松江路69巷5號 (電話:2506-1716)

這次的聚會我們進行三個活動, 每個活動都收穫良多,


(1) Laser Coaching
- 三人一組, 一個 Coach, 一個 Client, 一個 Observer. 時間 15 分鐘
- 由 Coach 與 Client 依據 Client 想談的主題, 進行 Laser Coaching, Observer 給 Feedback
- 全部的人集合, 由 Leading Coach 帶領討論分享學習心得
- Laser coaching 跟一般 coaching 的差異性, 使用時機, structure, 須注意的事情

(2) Group Coaching
- 大家一起, 由一位志願者將自己面臨的問題簡單描述一下
- Leading Coach 跟所有的 coach 都可以問志願者一個問題, 志願者不用立即回答
- 等所有的 coach 都問完問題之後, 志願者分享聽到這些問題的心得感想, 近一步的思考等等
- Leading Coah 協助 志願者總結 take away 以及 可能的行動方案與計畫 (what next and by when?)

(3) Feedforward (前饋)
- 大家一起練習
- 每個人先想一個自己想要改變的事情
- 找一個人, 把自己想給變的事情告訴他, 對方要給一個前饋的建議, 我們聽完之後說謝謝
- 對方把自己想給變的事情告訴我, 我要給對方一個前饋的建議, 他們聽完之後說謝謝
- 再換下一個人, 直到每個人都遇見每個人為止
團體討論: 有什麼感受? 如何應用 feedforward 在我們的 coaching 當中?

此外, Zoe 幫大家建立一個 facebook 的社團, 在每個月的聚會之外, 我們將會有更多的交流與分享, 真是非常期待 ^^

PT104 Trust vs. Doubt

2009/5/4 & 5/11: 1800-1900
Facilitator: Isabelle King

Any experience of trust and doubt in your life?
- Work: I trust my ability and competencies, but no acknowledgement from my supervisor. Doubt occurs.
- Relationship: I trust a relationship at the very beginning. However, if something is dishonest or betray. Doubt occurs.

Do you judge the person with doubt first for what he or she had done before?
- Collect information and observe first to see whether there is a fact or evidence supporting this person did something invalidating the trust.

How to shift doubt to trust?
- We need acknowledgment
- Experience of successful

The doubts would change behaviors
- People do not shake hands (afraid of decease)
- People wash hands often
- People do not go out for socializing

Does Doubt help in our life?
- Verify business plan
- Have plan B
- Think twice before we act
- Uncertainty leads us to a better place
- Research

Is there is any one dealing with doubt and uncover the judgments underneath?
- Simply take the perspective and turn it around with questions, such as what is better?
- Is it wrong to have the result?
- What does that mean about you?

Things are not forever. We need to take the action to move forward.
Exercise no.2 on page 4 for homework.

PT102 Commitment vs. Trying

2009/8/10 & 17: 1800-1900
Nick Bosk & Merci Miglino

10-15 minutes: Practice coaching session on this topic.
A goal you have not completed fully. Why do you have this goal? What motivates you? What kind of feelings you would have once you achieve the goal? What stop you from moving forward?

Look at the commitment level
This model is the second step of the UAC (underlying automatic commitment) model. This is another model to reduce UAC and increase commitment.

When we are looking at the commitment, what would you identify someone who has commitment?
- Take real steps to approach the goal

What you are committed to something, what are the indicators showing that someone is not trying but is committed?
- Take action amend the action plan.

“I would try to..” (It really gives us the option of not to do so..)
When you hear the word “try”, they are not really committed to the goal. Use the word, I “will” or I “am”.

Change the “word” before they change the action.

時間效率學/WORK的意義 (文章轉載)












AC211 – Diversity (2)

Facilitator: Prabha Chandrasekhar
2009/3/10, 1900-2000

Coach needs to be non-judgmental, open-minded and a learner all the time.

When we coach, we should ask of I have understand them right? Is there is any other meaning? We should check our understanding in the coaching process to avoid misunderstanding and show our respect to our client.

Even clients are from different countries, but most of time they all have the similar goals in their life. The only difference is the place they live and grow up.

To coach clients from different cultures
What do they want from their live, how are they doing in their live? What situation you have been successful? What strengths you used for that success? How could they use those strengths to move forward? What is most important in their value system?

Even in India, the conservative marriage style is changing.

Immigration to another country and emigration to their own country
Expatriate and repatriate coaching (PwC have repatriating coaches for 4 – 5 weeks for people who come back to their original position)

India example
- concept of marriage is different from new generation(find their own partners) and old generation (find the partner for their children)
- people highly educated who left Indian for ten 10 years and go back to India find India is very different from 10 year before

When you are doubt of something, do you have any way to clarify the doubts?
How we as coach come across with our clients
- Respect them
- I am not the expert. I also have doubt and need to learn from you
- It is OK to make mistake
- Be a constant learner and ask feedback from your client

Religion is an important factor for coaching.
We need to learn the religion of our client. Reframe the religion to spirituality could help coach for coaching practice.

AC211 – Diversity (1)

Facilitator: Prabha Chandrasekhar
2009/3/10, 1900-2000

Q: What do you want to get from this class? What are your expectations from this class?
- Learn perspectives from difference cultures
- Different method of communication when dealing with different cultures
- Dos and Don’ts of culture issues
- Potential boundaries

Every body participates and shares could maximize the learning effectiveness, since ICA is combined by different people and culture with diversity.
Diversity: culture, religion, age, gender, generation differences
For example: partners from different culture and children are raised in another culture.
Any experience of cross-culture coaching?
- There are so many things to learn from different culture
- Coaching is about to think out of box; be creative with difference perspectives and solutions

Why do we describe the culture as an iceberg?
85% of culture is intangible and the 15% is tangible. 15%: the way they talk, dress or interaction but 85% is below the waterline. When we coach a client from different culture, it would be better for us to study their history to learn and understand why they behave like this.

For example:
High context (Asian) and low context culture (Western): Asian does not what to hurt people so they tend to be more indirect
Indian says yes meaning yes, I am listening, I will think about it and I will come back to you with the answer later.

Asian would smile when they meet a person from another country
- they are happy to see you and welcome you with a smile on face
- they are embarrassed sometimes
- they are helpful

AC210 - Celebrating

Facilitator: Prabha Chandrasekhar
2009/5/5 & 12: 1900-2000

Celebrating is an important part of Life.

What are things that we could celebrate? How do we celebrate?
- Doing something special
- Honoring ourselves
- Birds singing in the morning and is a time for celebration.

Do we need to achieve something to celebrate? What is a thing so good that we want to celebrate?
- It should be that we have a good feeling and we celebrate.

What (positives and energy) would happen in the celebration?
- Acknowledgement
- Gratitude
- Sharing
- Remembering
- Joy
- Pride
- Awareness
- Love
- Proud

If all the words above are collected in a bottle, what is the feeling? FANTASTIC
- We need to be the role model of these energy to help our clients to shift perspectives

Think of something that happened in your life and makes you want to celebrate

Sometimes when we feel bad and we look for some opportunities bringing up the positive feeling, it’s time for celebrating.
Making a change is difficult, so clients feel things but do not take actions. We need to help our clients to make the change.

How can we help our clients to learn to celebrate?
- Collect the pictures from traveling and make a collage.
- Vision board: create a vision of our future and post it on the board
- Wish box: power of intention

Religion is a very critical issue to people. We need to be very careful of the tools we use.

AC209 - Structures (2)

Facilitator: Prabha Chandrasekhar
2009/4/14, 21 & 28

What are the questions to bring up that awareness?
- Visualize their ideas for future (a new structure)
- Identify the structures they have now
- Ask the clients to make a list of their understanding of the structure and the structures supporting them, how they feel about it and what they do when they feel that way? How do they feel when the structures not supporting them and what do they behave and think? Then they could make the choice of select the structures supporting them and make the shift of the structures.

How are we going to replay the structure they are in? Would they really like to keep or move that structure? or add on some structure?

Good example.
Ask questions to help client to build the new structure – a structure of the courage to ask “why…” and further discuss with his boss with the reason of the transfer of job and get the promotion at the end.
- Give self permission of why my supervisor transfers me from one job to another
- Once the structure supports him once successfully, the client would be able to use it again in the future when they need that structure again.

How to plan and build the environment and structure – related to people’s support (people who are around us)
- When you make a change, one of the important thing is that people around us accept and support our shifting structure to achieve our goal
- Even an attitude or perspective change would also need others around us to support. (It is an important thing of the external structures)

Use a planner and calendar to help our clients to set up the structure
- The change tool kit (http://www.reinventingeducation.org/RE3Web/)

Structure creates - Awareness, Acceptance and Action (leads to shift and empowerment)

Look at your structures and think about how do you feel? Do you want to make a shift? Why or why not?

AC209 - Structures (1)

Facilitator: Prabha Chandrasekhar
2009/4/14, 21 & 28

Internal and external structures
Internal – attitudes
External – Structure provide an environment for us to move alone (welcome pack, policies, fee structure, scheduling of the session)

What do you thinks about structure?
- There is a structure we all have coming to class
- I did appreciate the structure. I feel comfortable of having structure.

In your perception, what are the some examples of the internal structure?
- Internal conversation to ourselves – which makes me feel good that I make it to wake up on time
- Be aware of what we want to do, our decision and how important the decision to us
- Cultural from family or from society

In your perception, what are the some examples of the internal structure?
Any experience of working on shifting structure?
What is the cause we would like to change our structure?
- From child to adult
- From work-life not balance to work-life balance

Coaching takes care of the issues to change the structure of life. If a client want to find a new job but could not find an ideal one?
What kind of process we could put the structure to the client?
- Gratuities, focus on the positive feelings
- Make a shift in their thinking: what not look at things in the positive sides, their strengths, what they have power over with, things they can control
- Make a list of the companies with interview opportunities: what needs to be done from the outside environment

Is it OK to communicate the idea of structure (internal and external) with our clients to bring up the awareness for them? How would they feel?
- It’s good.