
PT102 Commitment vs. Trying

2009/8/10 & 17: 1800-1900
Nick Bosk & Merci Miglino

10-15 minutes: Practice coaching session on this topic.
A goal you have not completed fully. Why do you have this goal? What motivates you? What kind of feelings you would have once you achieve the goal? What stop you from moving forward?

Look at the commitment level
This model is the second step of the UAC (underlying automatic commitment) model. This is another model to reduce UAC and increase commitment.

When we are looking at the commitment, what would you identify someone who has commitment?
- Take real steps to approach the goal

What you are committed to something, what are the indicators showing that someone is not trying but is committed?
- Take action amend the action plan.

“I would try to..” (It really gives us the option of not to do so..)
When you hear the word “try”, they are not really committed to the goal. Use the word, I “will” or I “am”.

Change the “word” before they change the action.
