
同事給我的回饋: Upward Feedback from Team Member

As a coach in work:
- 願意花時間經營與coachee的關係:不只是公事上,也很關心我們私人的生活,有心事時,我可以放心的跟Tina傾訴。
- 以實際的行動帶領我們充實自我:閱讀與討論HarvardManageMentor。
- 給予有意義的feedback:會利用各種管道給予feedback,且是以一種溫和且正向的方式,常常都感受到Tina的用心。
- 機會教育:Tina會利用各種機會,例如是每週的pre work meeting、電話溝通或者平時的信件往來,透過這些機會讓我學習做事、做人的方法,也會透過信件趁機糾正我的英文。
- 提供主動的協助: Tina會主動的關心我的工作進度與狀況,適時的給予指導,讓我在慌亂的時候,可以安定下來。
- 規劃發展藍圖:跟Tina學習的這一年,他讓我找到可以發展的方向,給予我機會去看、去學,重要的是給了我很大的信心跟支持,讓我在工作上有明確的目標。
- Tina不會帶著成見或刻板印象來跟人相處,所以與他相處的過程中,可以放心的作自己,可以說自己想說的,如果說錯了或說得不夠正確,他會以討論的方式,讓我瞭解他的觀點,讓我學習到正確的觀念。

As a course manager:
- 建立合作的關係:作為一個CM,課程前,Tina會充分的與TA溝通,讓我們清楚課程的行政需求及工作的職責。課程進行中,若有需要改進的地方,Tina會與我們討論怎麼作可以使我們更好,讓我感覺到他跟我是同一個團隊,一同尋求進步,而不是以責怪的態度,這樣的態度,在合作過程中,能夠讓我更全力以赴。

As an instructor/Facilitator:
- 是個令學員可以傾心的講師,因為很真誠的講課,學員也能放心的與他請教有關coaching的問題。
- 講課口條很流暢,清楚的表達課程的內容,如果學員有困惑,也能立即換方式講解。


ICA 台北同學聚會分享, 7/25, 2009


謝謝這次一起參與的伙伴。隨信附上這次會議討論的內容供大家參考。因為討論很熱烈,這次還沒練習到 coaching,希望下次有機會。

1. Zi 在大陸如何推廣 coaching(教練), 開始coaching business?
(1) Connet with the universities and provide introduction of coaching to graduates
(2) Connect with human recourse organizations to provide free speech to introduce coaching and provide trial sessions to potential clients there
(3) Connect with consulting company to provide free speech to introduce coaching and provide trial sessions to potential clients
(4) Build up a business with partners, a coaching company

2. What opportunities for us here in Taiwan?
(1) Annie: build a working platform among us, provide free seminars together (maybe through Jorie's facilitator forum?) or refer clients to each other
(2) Wesley: build up our profiles and post them on a website, where we could open application for trial sessions. Design a survey or questionnaire allowing us to know more a bout the client and allocate the suitable coach to the potential client for the trail session. Connection with 專案管理協會。
(3) Zoe: 台灣客服協會 will hold a seminar and they are preparing the agenda now. Maybe we could book a session providing a free speech of coaching. We could also build up a community on facebook.
(4) 鄭教授:current connection from consulting company, EMBA participants might be potential market and building relationship with 中華人力資發展協會。We could also write a book together and publish it with a noted magazine or publisher. We may also work with 104 to provide the coaching service, but we need to be well prepared first.
(5) Jeremy: current connection with universities, 學學文 and 遠見(or 天下?)
(6) Tina: Participate any opportunities offered by ICA partners. Consider potential opportunities with ICA new business model (providing coaching sessions in ICA)or become a facilitator of Chinese version (Lobii)

Good readings to share
1. 踏入心靈的幽境
2. 念力的秘密
3. 給予的力量
4. 願景領導
5. 當責
6. 人力資源管理的12堂課

Let's move forward and make the change together.

Tina, Aspiration Coach


AC205 Advanced Coaching Techniques (2)

Facilitator: Kathy and Bill
2009/5/7, 5/14, 6/1: 1800-1900

A lot of coaching competencies based upon skill sets. We should embrace our natural strengths.

People would come to coaching with external motivation, but there is some negativeness and objections.

Be ware of who we are and our natural strengths and embrace them. Advanced coaching is about the leadership and be aware of our natural strengths.

When clients come to the coaching relationship:
- Most clients know what they don’t want but not sure they know they do want. (Creating the exact pics of what we want to have which could help the situation)

How to help clients to shift they don’t want to they want?
- Visualizing
In way way do you use the technique of the visualization?

NLP techniques:
Ask client to describe his/her situation in a third person. What are the experiences of the third person? If you are the person, what do you think that the person really feels and really needs? (I think that person needs understanding.) Can you give that person understanding? (If a person talks about himself in a third person, it would be easier for him to describe his situation and feelings.)

Clarify – help the person get clearer of what they want. We should be as specific as we could.
One technique to ask clients: How can I become happier in life from now? What could make me happier?

Book: Happier
We need to be mindful of the cultural issues.
How do we overcome when a person does not express his feeling directly?
- It’s better to do a one-on-one coaching than a group coaching.
- What do you want to achieve? When you achieve that, what do you feel?

Help clients create the life they want (hold the vision and unlock the potentials for clients until they could hold the potentials and vision themselves) – the difference of a good coach and great coach.
Goals are only tools, help people know what they want in a deeper level (really really want.) Goals change a lot of time. That’s the part of clarify

Draw the line of being coach and a friend – be professional.
Happiness: freedom from and freedom for (what brings greater freedom)

The wrong trap – something wrong is the prerequisite of consulting
Want things to change – the prerequisite of coaching

Personal effectiveness
Learn the self-care

Exercise of “are we advanced coaches?”

AC205 Advanced Coaching Techniques (1)

Facilitator: Kathy and Bill
2009/5/7, 5/14, 6/1: 1800-1900

Creating environment
How to help our client to create a picture/vision of what they want?
- NLP or EST for understanding how we communicate
- What is the opportunity here? What are you going to gain from that? How would it look if went down that road and take the action?

What kind of questions we could ask for creation?
- What opportunity would come from it?
- How would you like to be?
- What is in it for her?

The most powerful thing in coaching is “Simplicity”. Sometimes it is not necessary to ask a “powerful” question. It is about asking the question in the right time and drive the dialogue.
For example:
What do you want to work on today? What do you want to talk today? Sometimes our clients have whole ideas but just don’t know hoe to express it. They just need us to be there for them and talk to them.

Goal Setting
It will create an environment for clients to obtain in tangible. One of the things I learn is coaching coaches.

It’s a myth that a goal setting is also a validation of a coach.
If I don’t want you to do…this week, it’s a goal as well.

Questions for clients keep talking about something but not take actions.
- Could you that?
- Would you do that?
- When you will do that?

What have you been? How did that serve you? How did that not serve you?

AC204 - Reframing (2)

Facilitator: Kathy Munoz
2009/4/9, 16 & 23: 1800-1900

Think of your favorite reframes:
- Failure is only a moment, not a monument. Failure is a success step. (We learn by making mistakes.
- You could have a life testimony, after you come through with the test. You could have a life message after you come out of the mess. (Being a human being, we always face challenges.)
- Do you see yourself in problems or in potentials?

Think of some failures, tests or messes that you have in your life. What are your new opportunities? How can you shift your perspective with empowering?

Reframing is the art of actively choosing our response. When Life gives you a lemon, make it lemonade.

Take tele-class for example.
To be a good coach, you have to be a good listener. Tele-class could help you practice listening.

How do you reframe: you choose how to respond to the situation rather than be a victim of your circumstance.
More than saying tomorrow is another day. Reframing takes a real piece of the person’s life.

Responding vs. Reacting (What is the difference of denial and reframing?)
It takes practice to have the reframing habit. It’s a powerful change strategy; we change our perspectives
Faith vs. Fear
Replace your fear with faith. Faith leads to action. Action leads to change of your life.

We do have a choice. When we say we don’t have the choice, we are making choice there.

AC204 - Reframing (1)

Facilitator: Kathy Munoz
2009/4/9, 16 & 23: 1800-1900

Q: What happen to clients when the shift (reframing) happens?
- When the shift occurs, it seems like that all things are possible.

Reframing to help somebody to move forward - Shift their perspectives.
We could read the modules and use the terminology: change, enthuse, encourage, shift….

Be the observer, rephrase what clients try to say about the outcome and it provides clients an opportunities to review the different perspectives.

In your personal and professional life, is there any opportunity that someone rephrasing your words to you and which help you?
When the reframing happens, I feel free and relived.

Look at the positive and negative perspectives. Put ourselves to clients’ situation and too see what we feel that we could talk in clients’ language.

Once there is an “ah-ha”, there is another way and what is the next step?
- Action.
As a coach, what could you do?
- Acknowledge and provide compliment to your clients of good works they have done.
After we empower the client, what do we do?
- Enthuse them the action. What are you going to do?
What else?
- Explore the options and alternatives?
What else?
- How do they feel right now to reinforce the positive feeling for encouragement?
What else? Is it an opportunity to put the structure in place? What kind of structure you would put place for client?
- We could get client to look at all the positive perspective of the plan.

You might be able to pick up the tone client is using. Reminder : Coaching perspective - just be in the moment with the client, not push them to the action plan. Instead, ask them how do they feel, what do they need? They might be hesitation still and need more time.

From the perspective of being the client: how do we feel? Slow down and pay attention on how do we feel about it? If we like it, try it. If we don’t like it, maybe we need to be aware of it and adjust our coahcing with the client’s pace.

We are also learners from clients and we need to focus on client’s need and learning pace.

AC110: Challenging Clients (2)

Facilitator: Sherry Read
2009/4/15 & 22 1800-1900

What comes to you when you think about challenging people and clients?
Coachable: the ability of client to focus now and future to move forward.
If a client is in trapped in the past experience, he/ she might need a therapist pr psychologist instead. We could help them to find a professional help. Such as:
- How long and how extreme is the situation in his life?
- How defensive of his respond?
- Do they want to move forward? Is there any will?

Staying in the role of coach is related to whether the client could move forward.

What if you have a client who does not respect your boundaries and policies? How do you decide that this is a situation you want to continue or confront the issue?
- To bring up the issue (set boundaries and policies up front beginning in the coaching session.

The peer coaching relationship is particularly interesting one. If you pay for this, would you like to pay for it?

We want clients. We want to help. We don’t want to send people away. We don’t want to say no. But if the coaching relationship is not making you a better coach, what would you do?
- It depends on how much time and energy I would invest. If it is draining?
- If I could not deliver any value to it, I would quit the relationship.

We could guarantee the coaching but not the process. The process depends on the client.

What if you have a client who question you back and do not answer (who really is not responding)?
- Identify what do they want to achieve in the coaching relationship?
- Create the awareness of the way they communicate.

To have a mentor or a peer coach to bring the situation and discuss it (for self-development) - How can I be the best that I can be? How can I do in the situation? What else could I have done?

AC110: Challenging Clients (1)

Facilitator: Sherry Read
2009/4/15 & 22 1800-1900

What you find challenging people in your life, what kind of skills you would use?
- Find something we have in common and build the relationship from there.
- Shift mt energy of being defensive but being helpful.
- What do they try to tell me about their needs?
- When I feel annoyed, try to be aware of that and shift that internal feeling.

Think about what makes a challenging client? When you look into the future, what are the things would be challenging for you in coaching?
- Don’t show up without a phone call.

Is this person that supports me to be the best coach I should be? Is there any coach suitable for the client?
- Enable me to help them move forward
- We do not wanna be just friends for them
- How could I get the best of that person?

What if a client does not do the field work for three times?

Not every one is coachable. What make someone uncoachable? (under executive coaching)
When a company involves, the situation becomes more tricky. (Company + Client + Me)
- Let’s try a couple of sessions. If it does not work, just stop it.

AC 106 Peer Coaching (2)

Facilitator: Nick Bosk & Sherry Read
2009/3/4, 3/9, 4/1 & 4/8

Judy: It is difficult to have external clients to have 12 coaching sessions. External do not feel there is an obligation for 12 coaching sessions.
Sherry: Why do you think it is too long?
Judy: They feel there are few things to be coached.
Sherry: It takes a while for a sustainable change in life, work or relationship. That’s why 12 sessions are needed.

Marven: Wheel of Life (Life Wheel) could help us identify 2-3 top issues in life. We could use those things for the 12 sessions.
Sherry: Wheel of life is a good strategy. It might take 30-40 minutes to figure out the situation and find the solutions. Helping our clients have the confidence of doing that. There is always something not settling or got done in our lives, but having a coaching session could help clients to clarify and figure it out.

For current successful coaches, they have the obligation for 3-4 months paid by the clients to go through all the coaching process. It could help clients to create sustainable change.

Research Paper
Something is interesting that I would like to learn more about coaching to support my business in the future. Think through that strategy to support me in different ways.

Let’s go cycle back to that some of the things come up.
- Finding your coach and client: what are the ways of getting clients?
- Post on discussion board with the 30-second elevator speech
- How do we build the relationship that is comfortable?
- Did you ever take the drivers education?
- What are the structures we need?
- How do we have those conversation that it is working or not working or what could we do make it better? (Is there anything that you want me do more or less?)

External or peer clients
Face to face vs. voice (taking notes, asking questions, and looking at clients)

AC 106 Peer Coaching (1)

Facilitator: Nick Bosk & Sherry Read
2009/3/4, 3/9, 4/1 & 4/8

Why is it motivating to you to have the accountability to make the action and change? (Something you want to do it but if you don’t you have to explain the reason.)
You could explore the experience from the peer coaching.

What do you expect from the coaching process from your peer coach?
- I would like to get some more clarity of my situation now. Just get different perspectives on it.
- Finding clarity of myself: values, goals, what do I want in my life. Uncover deeper aspect of myself. Provide me a sounding board and accountability and further help me to focus in one area, succeed and grow. (You are very common of yourself. It’s a great asset to others.)

As we begin, coach anyone and anything to get experience. When you develop your niche and your coaching personality, not every single person would be right for you. Maybe it is just the topic or the personality not right. We should listen what we feel and what we sense in that trail session. If there is underlying uncomfortable feeling, it is not good for both coach and client. We could ask clients of how they feel about the session. We could refer clients to other coaches in the ICA network.

Go through the whole process as client and begin the peer coaching.
Nick has a mentor coach and coaches other coaches as well.
12 sessions is for building up and experience the relationship.

Q: I started my peer coaching as a coach with an ICA client. Can we make enough money for 2-3 clients a day? Is there any business model for reference that we could be more efficient and to make more money?
- When you begin the new coaching process. You will find that you would spend less time for preparation later. You do need time to learn and practice, but you would be better.
- I take 10 minutes before the session for preparation, to put my coach hat on and change my perspective as a coach. After the session, 5-10 minutes, before I put it back to the file, I would write down some good and needed improvement (what could I do better in that session?). 45 minutes for a coaching session. There is a 15 minutes in the between to change the coaches.
- Merci would talk about how to streamline their coaching. They become a better coach and the coaching session is reducing to half hour from one hour. They could use 30 minutes to help clients to find new perspective and benefit from the session.

There is not a match every time for a coach and a client. Trial session could give us great opportunities to feel it.

Once we finish 8 sessions as client, we could start to look for an ICA client. ^^