
AC110: Challenging Clients (2)

Facilitator: Sherry Read
2009/4/15 & 22 1800-1900

What comes to you when you think about challenging people and clients?
Coachable: the ability of client to focus now and future to move forward.
If a client is in trapped in the past experience, he/ she might need a therapist pr psychologist instead. We could help them to find a professional help. Such as:
- How long and how extreme is the situation in his life?
- How defensive of his respond?
- Do they want to move forward? Is there any will?

Staying in the role of coach is related to whether the client could move forward.

What if you have a client who does not respect your boundaries and policies? How do you decide that this is a situation you want to continue or confront the issue?
- To bring up the issue (set boundaries and policies up front beginning in the coaching session.

The peer coaching relationship is particularly interesting one. If you pay for this, would you like to pay for it?

We want clients. We want to help. We don’t want to send people away. We don’t want to say no. But if the coaching relationship is not making you a better coach, what would you do?
- It depends on how much time and energy I would invest. If it is draining?
- If I could not deliver any value to it, I would quit the relationship.

We could guarantee the coaching but not the process. The process depends on the client.

What if you have a client who question you back and do not answer (who really is not responding)?
- Identify what do they want to achieve in the coaching relationship?
- Create the awareness of the way they communicate.

To have a mentor or a peer coach to bring the situation and discuss it (for self-development) - How can I be the best that I can be? How can I do in the situation? What else could I have done?
