Facilitator: Prabha Chandrasekhar
2009/5/5 & 12: 1900-2000
Celebrating is an important part of Life.
What are things that we could celebrate? How do we celebrate?
- Doing something special
- Honoring ourselves
- Birds singing in the morning and is a time for celebration.
Do we need to achieve something to celebrate? What is a thing so good that we want to celebrate?
- It should be that we have a good feeling and we celebrate.
What (positives and energy) would happen in the celebration?
- Acknowledgement
- Gratitude
- Sharing
- Remembering
- Joy
- Pride
- Awareness
- Love
- Proud
If all the words above are collected in a bottle, what is the feeling? FANTASTIC
- We need to be the role model of these energy to help our clients to shift perspectives
Think of something that happened in your life and makes you want to celebrate
Sometimes when we feel bad and we look for some opportunities bringing up the positive feeling, it’s time for celebrating.
Making a change is difficult, so clients feel things but do not take actions. We need to help our clients to make the change.
How can we help our clients to learn to celebrate?
- Collect the pictures from traveling and make a collage.
- Vision board: create a vision of our future and post it on the board
- Wish box: power of intention
Religion is a very critical issue to people. We need to be very careful of the tools we use.