
AC211 – Diversity (2)

Facilitator: Prabha Chandrasekhar
2009/3/10, 1900-2000

Coach needs to be non-judgmental, open-minded and a learner all the time.

When we coach, we should ask of I have understand them right? Is there is any other meaning? We should check our understanding in the coaching process to avoid misunderstanding and show our respect to our client.

Even clients are from different countries, but most of time they all have the similar goals in their life. The only difference is the place they live and grow up.

To coach clients from different cultures
What do they want from their live, how are they doing in their live? What situation you have been successful? What strengths you used for that success? How could they use those strengths to move forward? What is most important in their value system?

Even in India, the conservative marriage style is changing.

Immigration to another country and emigration to their own country
Expatriate and repatriate coaching (PwC have repatriating coaches for 4 – 5 weeks for people who come back to their original position)

India example
- concept of marriage is different from new generation(find their own partners) and old generation (find the partner for their children)
- people highly educated who left Indian for ten 10 years and go back to India find India is very different from 10 year before

When you are doubt of something, do you have any way to clarify the doubts?
How we as coach come across with our clients
- Respect them
- I am not the expert. I also have doubt and need to learn from you
- It is OK to make mistake
- Be a constant learner and ask feedback from your client

Religion is an important factor for coaching.
We need to learn the religion of our client. Reframe the religion to spirituality could help coach for coaching practice.
