
Community of practice – Life (2)

Facilitator: Merci Miglino
Is there any question about life coaching?
How to present coaching?
- Let audience experience coaching and explain it a little bit. Use the wheel of Life – Coaching tools (search from Mind tools.com) People want the experience to convince them and some take away. Toleration of a coach.
- Talk about strengths
- Coach.net: there are tools on it.

Exercise of “The Wheel of Life” (refer to “The Wheel of Life.doc”)
- Draw a circle with 8 dimensions

Define dimensions
- Roles in life
- Areas in life
- or a combination

Draw two circles (how much attention you want you pay on each dimension? From 1 to 10)
1. Expectation – ideal situation
2. Current situation
3. Find the gap between two circles
4. The gap could be discussed
5. Find the coaching moment in discussion for a further coaching relationship

Does your life look balanced? How do you notice on the wheel? What is the information you getting from your wheel? What is it showing you? How do you feel about it? Does it surprise you?

After several weeks, we could draw the wheel again and compare the difference.

When you look at the mind tool, they would lead to goal setting and action plan. How to get the balance of it? Where are you and where you wanna be?

For a group, we may also two people to share their life wheel and action plan.

The visual is a Wheel. Does your life wheel look and feel balanced. Look is one way and feel is another. A balance life does not mean you get 10 of each dimension. Some area would needs more attention.
