
Wedding Plan (C2 - Organize your speech)

Before I deliver my speech, I have a few questions to ask you first. How many of you are single? Please raise your hand. How many of you have a plan to get married in a near further? Do you know how long it will take to prepare a wedding? (More than six months). Yes, most people will organize a wedding for more than six months, even up to one year. The last question is do you know how long it took me to plan a wedding and get it done successfully? Six weeks.

How did we make it? According to my experience, I would like to share some ideas with you. There are mainly three parts to plan a successful wedding, wedding photos, wedding ceremony and wedding feast.

First, wedding photos, you could collect your friends' wedding cards when you attend their wedding feast from now on. You can tell from the cards if the style meets you and your honey's taste. When picking up a wedding photo shop, you also need to consider the price and location. Price. How much money you want to spend for wedding pictures? You could surf relative websites or attend the "Wedding and Jewel" exhibition in world trade center. You can find valuable information and cheaper price. Location. The wedding photo shop shall be close to the bride's home. Why? It takes a long time to put on make-ups for bride and bride's mates. It could save the traffic time if the wedding shop is close to bride's home.

Second, wedding ceremony, the most important thing is to ask both of your parents if they have any rules or taboos that you need to follow or avoid. Once you get the ground rules in advance, you can reduce the potential quarrels afterwards. Then you can look for the traditional formal wedding procedures. Use the standard format and modify the process according to you parents' advice. Once you get the procedure done, please draft it as a drama script with word or excel. Put on time, roles, the lines they have to say and the items or equipments they are in charge of. Print it out to every one who will play a role in the wedding ceremony that they can follow it. It is very useful for time management and they can remind each other without missing any important parts.

Third, wedding feast, make the guest list roughly and survey several venues in advance. If you have not decided the exact wedding date, please reserve at least two possible dates and venues for options. Parking lot is always welcomed by the guests. Review the guest list by calling them or e-mailing them to confirm their attendance. It is nice to reserve one or two tables for unexpected guests. Again, you can visit the wedding exhibition in the world trade center for a better package, such as free juice or wine.

These are my suggestions for planning a successful wedding in three perspectives, wedding photos, wedding ceremony and wedding feast. My husband and I were crazily busy at that time and we could only meet each other on weekends. We communicated by phones and e-mails. If we could make it, you can make it. One last thing to share with you, make a deal with your sweetheart. "No matter what, we shall not fight during the process of getting married." It is very impotent. At least, that was a crucial factor for my husband and me to complete our task: getting married in six weeks since the date he proposed.
