
FC107 Power Listing 活力傾聽 - Part II

Facilitator: Sherry Read
2009/1/26, 20:00~21:00

Key learning points
Coaching over phone could be more convenient for coach to take notes for better memorize the context. When we notice that something comes up 3-4 times, that is the thing we need to talk. We want someone to feel being heard for making the connection, but taking notes might cut the connection. That's why sometimes, phone is better than face to face coaching.

Behaviours in powerful listening
- Mirroring : reflect back as perfectly as possible, use clients' words
- Paraphrasing : use our perspective and words, "What I heard you were saying...."

Checking their feelings
- I have heard a lot emotional words, would you like to say something more about it?

When coach says "I am hearing that you....", we provide a room for clients to correct if we hear it wrongly. It also provides a feeling of "not judging".

Listen from the heart.

Q: Close your eyes and think about a person in your life. Who's made him/her a good listener?
- Ask a lot of questions, for a deeper conversation (questioning skills - funnel technique)
- Let the person talk and let everything out
- Be patient, give time and space
- An important step for coach to take - silence (use W.A.I.T. = why am I talking to remind ourselves)

Q: If our client says something which makes us uncomfortable (relate to our personal experience or feeling), what could we do?
- Take a short break, recentered to deep breathing
- Being aware of our feeling (what's going on with me?)
- About share our experience or story with our client: we must pay attention and ask ourselves, "when I share, is it for them? or for me?" For them, yes, we may empowering them and help them.
