1. What would you like to do for people? What gifts do you have to offer, as a coach, that can make people become empowered?
- I would like to help people live their life happily and positively.
- I listen to others actively. I asked open questions to help people think and take actions. I also support and encourage people in depression and further help them move forward.
2. Why are you a coach? What is the drive behind coaching for you to make things happen for people?
- I am a coach in the training programs and at work. I act as a coach to my husband, sister and friends when they need my advice.
- I am people-oriented and according to my SDI (Strength Deployment Inventory) result, I am red-blue, which means my leadership style is coaching and mentoring.
- Three specific goals: (1) by the end of June 2009, I want to complete all the readings and reflections of FC101 ~ BC109; (2) by the end of June, I want to practice at least 6 coaching session for each external client (totaled 3 clients); (3) by the end of July, I want to attend all tele-classes.
- Business structure: As a manager of Learning and Development Department, I am responsible for Coaching Culture Serial training programs in my firm. I would focus on design and deliver coaching programs as well as provide coaching and coaching advice to my colleagues.
- How many clients? Participants in the training programs are my clients. There were more than 500 in 2008.
- Revenue target: I hope to get promoted to next level, Senior Manager.
- I want to graduate from ICA (International Coach Academy) in December 2009.
- By the end of March, complete all the readings of FC101 ~ AC113 and attend tele-classes of FC101 ~ AC108. Besides, practice at least 3 coaching session for each external client (totaled 3 clients).
- My subordinates could achieve their goals in professional and personal life.
- Colleagues in different department would like to discuss coaching with me.
- External clients would like to pay a valuable price to them for my coaching service.