
FC103 Effective Feedback (2)

1. Evaluate the feedback you were given. How did you respond? Was some feedback better than others? What made it so? What did you learn from this exercise?

  • 1st feedback on the clean desk (Feedback: Wow, this area is so clean. / My response: It’s been clean for almost one month.)
  • 2nd feedback on wearing a skirt (Feedback: You look so different than usual! Like a little girl. / My response: I tend to wear formal at work.)
  • 3rd feedback on my coaching (Feedback: You have been putting a lot of efforts to help your coachee change her behavior. We could tell the significant change form her behaviors. / My response: It’s my responsibility and I would like to keep helping her perform well.)

The better feedback to me is the feedback provider gives me his/her observation with evidence objectively. I would pay attention on this for my coaching in the future. Make sure that my feedback is not personal, not emotional, opportunity finding, fact based, objective, focusing on the future, constructive, and neutral.

2. When and how might you use role-play with your clients?

When my client is stuck in a situation that he/she could not have a breakthrough, I would invite him/her to practice role-play and reverse role-play.

3. What are three situations you might encounter as a coach in which role-play could be useful?

  • When a subordinate could not understand a manager’s points of view, it would be useful to practice a role-play to think and make a decision as a manager.
  • In training courses, when participants do not have experience of coaching, it would be useful having role-play to practice coaching skills as coaches and coachees.
  • When children disagree with parents, role-play would be useful for them to put themselves in parents’ shoes and change their perspectives.
