
PT109 - Action vs. Delay (1)

Facilitator: Isabelle King
2009/7/27 & 8/3

Write down three things you are delaying in your life right now.
- Having babies
- Taking a real break
- Volunteer work

What is the difference between the lists of delay and priority?
- It is not that one perspective is better than the other one, but one is more powerful than the other one.

How do you recognize that you are delaying?
- There are so many actions I am taking now in my life, so the delay happens when I prioritize the things. However, the delay might be the item is not needed to be done right away.

Is there any pattern that you delay?
- When things are out off my comfort zone – unpleasant or not fun (mainly I don’t like change)
- When it does not involve anyone else.
- When only I am the only responsible person for the work, I could consciously delay and ask others to join the work.
- When I am confident that there is no immediate urgency, so I would delay it for a while and than take the action before the deadline.

Reasons for delay
- Fear, not knowing where to started, not having it before, become to significant about something.
