
MBTI 職業性格測試 (試試看吧 ^^)

Dear all,

I would like to share a self-test with you. My result is attached as below and I am surprised. Have a nice weekend.


MBTI 職業性格測試

分析:您的性格類型是「ENFJ」( 教育家 )

溫情,有同情心,反應敏捷,有責任感。非常關注別人的情緒、需要和動機。善於發現他人的潛能,並希望能幫助他們實現。能夠成為個人或群體成長和進步的催化劑。忠誠,對讚美和批評都能做出積極地回應。友善、好 社交。在團體中能很好地幫助他人,並有鼓舞他人的領導能力。 ENFJ型的人熱愛人類,他們認為人的感情是最重要的。而且他們很自然地關心別人,以熱情的態度對待生命,感受與個人相關的所有事物。由於他們很理想化,按照自己的價值觀生活,因此ENFJ型的人對於他們所尊重和敬 佩的人、事業和機構非常忠誠。他們精力充沛、滿腔熱情、富有責任感、勤勤勤懇懇、鍥而不捨。 ENFJ型的人具有自我批評的自然傾向。然而,他們對他人的情感具有責任心,所以ENFJ型的人很少在公共場合批評人。他們 敏銳地意識到什麼是(或不是)合適的行為。他們彬彬有禮、富有魅力、討人喜歡、深諳社會。ENFJ型的人具有平和的性格與忍耐力,他們長於外交,擅長在自己的周圍激發幽默感。他們是天然的領導者,受人歡迎而有魅 力。他們常常得利於自己口頭表達的天份,願意成為出色的傳播工作者。 ENFJ型的人在自已對情況感受的基礎上做決定,而不是基於事實本身。他們對顯而易見的事物之外的可能性,以及這些可能性以怎樣的方式影響他人 感興趣。 ENFJ型的人天生具有條理性,他們喜歡一種有安排的世界,並且希望別人也是如此。即使其他人正在做決定,他們還是喜歡把問題解決了。 ENFJ型的人富有同情心和理解力,願意培養和支持他人。他們能很好地 理解別人,有責任感和關心他人。由於他們是理想主義者,因此他們通常能看到別人身上的優點。


人力資源培訓主任 銷售經理 小企業經理 程序設計員 生態旅遊業專家 廣告客戶經理 公關專業人士 協調人 交流總裁 作家/記者 非營利機構總裁 雜誌編輯 電視製片人 市場專員 社會工作者 人力資源管理 職業指導顧問 心理咨詢工作者 大學教師(人文學科類) 教育學、心理學研究人員 撰稿人 節目主持人(新聞、採訪類) 公共關係專家 社會活動家 文藝工作者 平面設計師 畫家 音樂家


AC208 Accountability (2)

Facilitator: Prabha Chandrasekhar
2009/3/24 & 31, 4/7

What are the one or two things that you want to take away after this session? Make sure that needs have been taken care of. It’s our responsibility and accountability to help our clients to reach that goal. Clients need to be accountable to do everything they need to achieve that goal.

As a coach I need to accountable, what does that mean to a client? I need to be accountable to my client, what does that mean? (What do we need to do to be accountable and why?)
- Open your heart to client (what are you giving for creating for your clients by doing so? – we both are responsible)
- We and client could learn and grow together.
- Accountable for making clients feeling good, which could help them move forward

Accountability: when we find UAC and help our clients to create the awareness and help them walk through it and move forward. Coaching process has a momentum that we need to be accountable to company our clients through that process.

Ownership: The clients need to own it. Do they own that goals, the steps to reach the goal or they just do what others ask them to do? (from family or friends)

Time: We always underestimate time we need, ‘because we only think of our time to complete it but there might be some other thing dropping in.

The level of difficulty: Spend a little time to discuss with our clients to look at every prospect of the goal and steps, but put it in mind that how much they could do? To that level can the client work? Help them to build in the distraction might happen in their journey.
Reward when they achieve their milestone. Be aware of it and celebrate.
Maintenance: putting the accountability into structure, revisit the process and what we have done or the goals. Post something in front of them.

Cooperate coaching – where are the goals coming from?
Coaching in the company
The value and culture of the companies: from intangible to tangible.
We need to have a culture for the company – the company’s culture, based on the value system.
When we coach our clients, could we find the personal culture of them?
- Yes, according to what say and do. That’s the most interesting part. We could understand them better and help them move forward.

Ask executive and leader this kind of questions, to see if they are doing things to the direction they want. (Make the requirement to reframe the perspective.)
- What do they like to see happened to their company to their team?
- What would like to remain just as it is?
- What have you tried to do to help your company and team?
- What advice you would like to give another executive to make your firm and firm better?

What if the client is not ready for change? What are some questions that we could use?
- Revisit the goal? Is it the goal they want?
- What is in the way you would like to change? Is there any other goal you could like to achieve? (keep it in mind not to lead the direction)
- Maybe we could revisit this place again later some time.
- Would you like me to hold that you are accountable for that goal? How would that work?

AC208 Accountability (1)

Facilitator: Prabha Chandrasekhar
2009/3/24 & 31, 4/7

What is your intention to attend this class today? What do you want to take away from today’s class?

- Responsibility, and other words come with accountability

What are the benefits of accountability? What do we talk about it especially in coaching?
- When we are accountable, we could make the coaching process move forward and take the next step
- We are setting up an good example of being accountable to our clients

How to help client so be accountable
- Write down the goals and action plan. Then keep tracking on it.

Accountability Management
- As coaches, we measure for clients of how much do they invest and what they accomplish.
- Make the relationship positive

Can you describe accountability looks like? If it is a person, how does it look?
- Gentle, Loyalty, Committed, Task-oriented, Being there, Nurturing with support, Get the best of the other person

There are some persons, teacher, friends or family members whom we could feel comfortable and play with but we could still accomplish the tasks from these people. In the coaching relationship with accountability: the client respects me and I respect the client. Accountability includes trust and clarity.

What are some other things that we could do to be accountable as coaches?
- Follow up as we promise
- Be prepare for coaching session

How can we make sure that our clients are accountable?
- Get a commitment from them
- Ask them how would they do it
- Create the responsibility for them
- Ask them why they want to do that and what are the benefits of doing that? (We could help client to think more - “do I really want to do it?” Is it other person’s expectation or suggestion or our client really want to do it.)

Sometimes making change is not comfortable. Give our clients some time. Have them visualize the results and benefits of the action. Let our clients keep their pace of taking the action.

Be aware of the resources and time
Be aware of the difficulties

AC207 Your Coaching Model

Facilitator: Prabha Chandrasekhar

Coaching model - the base of all the coaching process
What does a coaching model do for you? Why do you want a coaching model?
- Provides me a structure of the coaching process
- Communicate with clients in advance
- Guide and tool for you
- Coaching is like a flow.

Coaching model is aligned with and represent our values, vision and philosophy of coaching.
Coaching model is a basis and needs to be flexible. (a blueprint)
- would change and adopt itself

Model sharing
(A) Transformation Model (Ying-Yang)
Uncertainty (Restricted) / Transformation / Empowerment (empowering)

(B) Find your inner-self
Visual of Mountain and with a person

(C) PEAK Model (with four mountain peak) – for politician
Person – Who you are?
Explore – What do want to experience?
Action – How are you going to get there?
Key (or Knowledge?) – How are you going to keep it?

(C) Ask client to create the image, than from that visual information to open the discussion of coaching session.

Is there a proper timing for us to create the coaching model?
- There is no particular time of that. First, to know what is coaching model. Second, what you want to come out of the coaching. Third,
- After coaching practice to be aware of your coaching process and then you could create your coaching model.

What is the appropriate format to do the coaching model, graphic or some other way?
- It is up to the students. Any kind of format.
- The purpose of the task is to know your coaching philosophy when you do the coaching. What is in your mind when you use that coaching model? How are you going to use it?
- The coaching model presents you.
- As we grow with coaching, the coaching model changes
- Clients and their needs are different as well

Power Tools will go alone with the Coaching Model. Tools and techniques would change depending on the clients and situation.

AC203 Empowering (3)

Facilitator: Kathy Munoz & Bill Turpin
2009/3/19, 26 & 4/2

How might you handle when a client is not coachable?
- If we are not comfortable with the coaching relationship, we are not obligated to finish it.
- Ask: What would your life be if I am not working with you through the coaching session?

We should not have the idea that how clients would respond. If we have predetermined idea of how the clients respond, it might disempower us as a coach.

What are you responsible for as a coach?
- Following the standards of my practice
- Establishing a safe environment for clients
- We have good self-care, balance of our life and we need to assure that we could release the negative energy. Make sure we are in a good place in the coaching session. (We could let our client know that we are good for the coaching session and postpone / reschedule the coaching session)
- Communicate what is coaching and the nature of coaching
- Clarify Expectation and outcome of the coaching
- Explain the definition of coaching vs. consoling.
- Maintain structure and maintain the sense of accountability
- Maintain your self post standards
- Multiple clients
- Prepare ourselves

Where is a client responsible for as a client?
- Showing up
- Paying up
- The final outcome (good or bad)
- The have credits when they win but they should be responsible for the choices they made
- Have something in mind to talk in the session

We need to be careful of provide advice and suggestions. They should make the final decisions. It’s their decision to take the advice and take the action.

Executive Coaching
It is critical that they are responsible for the business outcome.

Be available (24/7?) for our clients but people would not take advantage of it.
Good Feedback empowers the coaching session.

AC203 Empowering (2)

Facilitator: Kathy Munoz & Bill Turpin
2009/3/19, 26 & 4/2

What are ways that you tend to routinely disempowering yourself?
- procrastinating (延遲), confidence, frustration, self-doubt

Many of us are struggling in disempowering ourselves. We need to break out the unhappiness and do something to increase our strengths and confidence.

What could a client do to empower the relationship?
- A simple act of acknowledgement
- Listening is a form of acknowledgement
- Be honest, truthful, committed (help our clients understand how could them empower the relationship)

How can you empower the relationship?
- Follow up
- Be proactive and create a safe environment
- Be truthful
- With humor
- Addressing expectation and clarify what those expectation are. Clients must know the expectation to them.
- Clear defined standards and boundaries that empower me and clients. (Standards and boundaries are part of creating structure and creating confidence) (Standards: Clients expect from me; Boundaries: I expect from clients)
- Clearly defined roles: what is my role and client’s role is or not.

How can you empower the relations at the beginning (the first session)?
- Ask clients: what are you expecting?
What kinds of things disempower the relationship at the beginning?
- Coach talks too much: we disempower that person
- Any kind of judgment
- Assumptions

Powerful coaching is not about being a powerful coach. It’s about the empower of client’s experiences. The power is not coming from the coach, but coming from the relationship. It’s about discovering their resources, strengths and possibilities (potential).
When a clients come to us. They fed themselves with problems but we help them to see their potentials (reframe their perspectives about themselves)

Empowering is about partnership of the coaching : Self-aware, self-decisive and take self-directed action.

AC203 Empowering (1)

Facilitator: Kathy Munoz & Bill Turpin
2009/3/19, 26 & 4/2

How to handle the “discovery” session? Build up the coaching relationship?
- Be confidence of who we are and what we are doing. The confidence could empower our client to take action
- Your niches would form your coaching business practice; create your business with your unique and what serves you
- We have skills set and experience
- Welcome package with information for clients’ reference (questionnaire could be included: some questions about what directions they want go in and basic contact information). We could be prepared for the coaching session in advance.
- Discuss the questions (in welcome pack) not answered – I notice that you did not have efficient time to fill in those questions, is it O.K. for us to discuss what do you have discovered from these questions. Or we could fill out the questionnaire together.

Discovery session: coach and client could know each other first. We could grab some information from the discussion about who I am and what is coaching. Next ask if the client would like to try the coaching and then put the actual coaching into the first.

Empowerment: Increase strengths (my strengths) and building confidence (in the coaching relationship)

When you think of empowerment, what comes to your mind?
- Boundaries, Strengths, Confidence, Trust: client trust us in the coaching process

Identifying of Coachability
- How open that the client to be coached (does the person have the ability to be coached?)
- If we begin pursuing our clients to take action, we just disempowering ourselves and dynamic. When we become responsible for clients – they are not coachable.

How do we respond when we find clients are not coachable?
- Our clients are not there for themselves but someone else. (by acknowledge of that, I am empowering ourselves)
- An empowering relationship include ourselves, not only the clients

AC202 Powerful Questions (2)

Facilitator: Prabha Chandrasekhar
2009/3/30, 4/6 & 4/13

Start the easy questions at the beginning and the powerful questions in the middle. Ask “why / why not” – why statement is very powerful (there are so many directions of why..). Use it as a follow up question after the first question.

How do you recognize that it is a powerful question?

- When a client needs time to reply- Allow client to formulate their own answers
- When client makes an action after the question. (A good question shifts action.)

What kind of question to help them look beyond the obstacles?

- What could you do to overcome the obstacles to achieve the goal?
- What do you feel when you achieve it?
- What do you learn from this?

Four question of Inquiry

- Is it true?
- Are you very sure of that? Can you absolutely know that it is true?
- How to you react? What happened when you believe that thought?
- Who would you be without that thought? (What kind of person you would become?)

Ask clients to think that “Things always work the way I want them to,” and then ask the four questions again. Listening really carefully and sometimes the powerful questions would happen. (We cannot always really structure the powerful questions.) How do we sense it that it is the right time for the powerful question?

AC202 Powerful Questions (1)

Facilitator: Prabha Chandrasekhar
2009/3/30, 4/6 & 4/13

How do you think the powerful questions different from normal questions?
- A trigger of different/possible direction
- Intention to create of awareness
- Stimulate deeper thinking

- Reinforce the positive feeling
- Engages and explores
- Has answers which lead to new questions, finally have the answers of all the previous questions

Powerful questions: help the others to think more, open up new possibility, to help move forward, different direction, Ah-ha moment

Why is it, powerful questions, so important to coaching?
- provide affirmation to some ideas
- find their own truth to find their goals
- help them with the goal setting and move forward

If we just allow the client to talk, what would happen?
- Coaching is process to help client grow and discover him or herself and design the mission of their life.
- If there is no questions in the coaching process. The coaching relationship is not helpful.
- Great coach vs. extraordinary coaches = questioning skills

Powerful questions could keep clients focused. (Maintain the direction of coaching)

How important is the tone for a powerful question? Which is a tone for powerful question?
- Fast speakers can slow down a little bit for coaching session; it would become a little bit soft.
- We need to be comfortable of what we are doing. It is O.K. to speak fast but with smile tone.

What is the role of listening and silence when we ask a powerful question? What is the most effective way to get the result?
- The more time for the client to think.
- Leave some time for them to think and answer.

When coaching, we ask a question and wait (be silence), even the client has say something, we could still wait to see they have other information to say. Silence is very powerful.

The more questions we ask and the more time for them to respond. Let them listening what they want to say but if we give the answers they listen to what we want to say.

What are your advantage of the powerful questions with listening and silence?
- We hold a space for client to create the awareness
- Remain silence, the other party would feel nervous that they have to say something. We need to help them step out the comfort zone to say something.

AC113 Practical Ethics and Legalities

Facilitator: Sherry Read
2009/4/1, 1800-1900

What are the steps or thing you will think about creating coaching ethics?
- Clear the expectations (create a coaching process)
- Set scope of our practice (our client might come to us and want more from coaching)

What happens when we make mistakes?
- We need to admit it and be honest about it.
- Follow our feeling and clarify the issues when we feel it’s not O.K. to discuss about it.

When someone (not your client) talks something which is confidential to you and your client but it was the client let the others know, we could still say “I don’t know anything about that.”

Confidentiality Issue
- Documentation, Retention and Disposition: Be careful of how we keep that information. When you have good income from coaching, you might need to set up a support team to solve the problems and legal or other issues.
- Log the coaching time of all clients for the credential of ICF. If we would like to do that, we need to ask our clients’ permission that we could disclose their name and contact information to ICF.
- Create an agreement (but not a contract) with the standards and policies and include the role that I could disclose the name and contact information to ICF and use the case anonymous for self-development.

Coaches don’t guarantee; we follow the client’s agenda; we are therapist and consultant.

The code of ethics - No sexually relationship with client
What if the How do we prepare ourselves to manage the above situation?
- Move out from the coaching relationship
- Use the phone for coaching that in person
- Talk to attorney about the situation upfront to protect ourselves

Executive Coaching – Confidentially is very critical
- We have to set up the guideline and outcome in advance with HR
- We want to prepare for that when we empower our client to make the decision to leave the company (because his/her values do not align with the company). It’s is a very challenging point.

Three way arrangement
Someone refer one client to you but wants a referral fees. It might cause a confidential issue because the person would know the session and fees of the client. (In the market, some person asks for 10% referral fee). If we are referring clients, we need to be explicit about it if we receive referral fee.

Company would have the expectation of the coaching session. They want something and some updates every time when they get invoice. It becomes very serious that we need to sit down and talk to every one (company, client, HR and me) to reach the consensus of the confidential level.
Person action – confidential
Participate or the commitment of the program – to company
Coaching client would provide what they feel comfortable and how are they going to do for the company.

When we coach someone who is not committed, we should talk to the person about it and discuss how to terminate the coaching relationship and back to the company.

AC101 Acknowledgement

Facilitator: Sherry Read
2009/3/30 & 4/6

  • Acknowledge the client when he takes action.
  • What about the client did take action but they have the failure result, we acknowledge their action and what they have learnt to help them move forward.
  • Acknowledgement is about our client and appreciation is about me.
  • Acknowledgement could help strength the relationship.
  • Acknowledgement: strengthening the understanding of themselves of what they are doing.
  • When we acknowledge: acknowledge their strength and values

Q: What is acknowledgement vs. feedback, vs. enthusing?
Feedback: is natural to what the person has done. Statements.
Acknowledgement goes deeper: what takes someone to take the action. It’s related to someone’s value. Long-term value. They have the ability to do it.
Enthusing is before the action. Looking at the movement forward, holding the vision.

  • We appreciate the values we hold.
  • We can engage our client to think what is most important for them and how do they live in their values.
  • Value is a strong peace we could provide to our clients.
  • Help our client to expect their values.

Q: We could help to acknowledge the client. Ultimately we want them to acknowledge themselves.
- I believe I am…. (complete the sentence - exercise). It’s a positive exercise.
- Coach could ask some examples of the above sentence.
- Building that acceptance in self-acknowledgement
- Have them enjoy the compliments.

What do you like to acknowledge yourself for?
Focusing on what she has (the values) for acknowledgement and use it for future.