
FC101 What is coaching - Part II

Facilitator: Sherry Read
2009/2/9, 2000-2100

Who are the people going to be naturally attracted to you? (someone like me)
Who are the people that I want to attract in most of my life? Because I would like to energize myself, invite them to my world? What are they like? Who are they like? (someone different from me)

It's harder to coach friends or family, because must of time we could have opinions to them. When we listen, we look for patterns of which are good or bad according to our experience, then we are bringing in the judgment into the situation.

What does it mean "to suspend judgment"?
- Just listening (without judgment)
- We do not limit the possibility for the client to see and find according to their values and goals.

What is the difference from judging to evaluating?

Coaching focuses on the future, rather than the past.
Learn from the past, not stuck in the past and move forward. Let go the past.
We acknowledge the past.

Help people to modify their beliefs. We could take the existing believes, add on, modify or shifting them.

Coaching is about being in an action. What does that mean?
- If you are not growing, you are dying.
- Action could be found in taking reflection (what do I learn?).

Coaching is about listening (suspend judgments) and understand clients' reality? Look into the future, rather than dig into the past. We may use the past for information of our strengths, success and how could we use it this time and take action. Actions take many forms, doing things, thinking things and behave things to the direction of future we want to make.
