- “The primary purpose of listening… is to truly understand the other person’s point of view, how they think and feel and how they ‘move through the world.’” (Zeus and Skiffington, 2000)
- A good coach is listening for what truly inspires a client, lightens them up, excites them, frees them, and keeps them from resignation.
- A coach then listens for what would fulfil that inspiration, and listens for what gets in the way.
- A coach listens to a client as a magnificent, extraordinary person; as their greater self, and relates to them that way.
- When a coach is working with a client, he or she is listening for not just what the client is saying but how they are saying it eg. what feelings and emotions are being expressed or withheld.
- The coach is also just as interested in what they are NOT saying as what they are. Listen for subtle changes in voice, avoidance of questions or a change in subject. Let the client know what you are really hearing, and ask if there is something more they want to say about it.
(extracted from ICA reading)