
AC102 Enthusing

What are some other areas you can think of where clients can benefit from the technique of enthusing?

To enthuse someone means to make someone enthusiastic about something. The act of enthusing involves “energizing” the moment. As coaches we try to “energize” or enthuse our clients to take action to bring about changes in their lives for the better. Sometimes people accept change with reluctance. Other times they welcome it with open arms.

The more willingly we embrace change, the more likely that we can shape it meet our needs instead of being overwhelmed by it. The old adage that people have to “want to change” before they really can, is very true.
To enthuse is to energize the client to take that important step in the direction they are envisioning their life will go. The following are examples of when to use the enthusing technique:

  • Client is afraid to change jobs.
  • Client is unable to speak their truth.
  • Client is not feeling supported in their relationships.
  • Client is holding himself or herself back from doing something that would bring them great joy.
  • Client is afraid to stand up to someone who is manipulating or dominating them.

When you enthuse you make an emotional connection with the client. Clients “feel’ your enthusiasm as much as they respond to your actual words. If you think of positive energy as a fuel that powers movement, enthusing could be described as giving the client a “top up” of enough positive energy to help them move into action.

(extracted from ICA reading)
